Bougliaud Francoise, Reflections sur papier, entre blanc et blanc" , Le pays Roannai
16.07.1999 France
Chemla Veronique, ''Entre deux", Actualite Juive Hebdo n. 782 12.09.2002 France
"Fragments de mur ll", illustration, Beaux Arts Magazine November 1995 France
Levine Angela, "File that style", The Jerusalem Post Magazine December 1994
Monkowicki Jacqueline , "Deux israeliennes a Paris" , Tribune Juive October 1992 France
"Avivit", L'Arche n. 535 September 2002 France , Ruzniewsky Myriam
Sahad Sarah, "De l’entrelacement du mot et de l’image dans les oeuvres d’Avivit Ballas Baranes", The Times of Israel, 24.2.2017
Shorkend Daniel, "Art review: Avivit Ballas Baranes, Haifa", The Jerusalem Post Magazine December 2018
Weintrater Meir, "Avivit Ballas", L'Arche n. 471 March 1997 France
Weissflog Heinz, "Ohne Grenzen sprechen - Speak witout borders", Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten 24.04.2003 Germany
Calvo Stephane, "Interview with Avivit Ballas", Radio Shalom 20.02.1997 France
''Ma tasse d'été'', Interview Radio R.C.J. 19.08.2002 France, Hamou Jean David
Nataf Olivier , "Interview with Avivit", Radio R.C.J. 05.08.2002 France
Goldberg Itzhak, "Pont – construction", text for exhibition at the Gallery of the French Institut
Dresden Germany 2003
Hadad Abraham, "Ecriture personnelle", text for exhibition at Centre Culturel I. Jefroykin Paris 1.5.1987